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Rafael Moneo: Remarks on 21 Works

Цена: руб.
Артикул товара 502229
author Moneo Rafael
cover мягкая обложка
pages 660
publisher Thames&Hudson
series -
volume 1
year 2010
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Rafael Moneo is a courageous architect, one who for decades has defined his own style of architecture. With a sensitivity to materials and context unmatched by any living architect, Moneo has created a series of works of world significance. Moneo now turns his analytical eye to his own work. Twenty-one carefully selected projects are presented in detail, from the initial idea through construction to the completed work. They are each illustrated by a spectacular array of new colour images by architectural photographer Michael Moran. Among the projects are Joan Miro Foundation in Majorca, The Moderna Museet and Arkitekturmuseet in Stockholm, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, and, perhaps above all, the Prado extension. These are combined with Moneos own drawings as well as informal documentary material from the design of each of the projects. Купить картины маслом

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