Particles here and beyond the mirror

Цена: руб.
Артикул товара 213636
volume 1
pages 84
cover мягкая обложка
year 2001
ISBN 5-8360-0394-7
series -
author Borissova L.B.
publisher Эдиториал УРСС
интернет магазин игрушек

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This book looks at motion of particles using mathematical methods of physical observable values in General Relativity. It is shown that aside for mass-bearing particles and light-like particles "zero-particles" can exist in fully degenerated space-time (zero-space). For a regular observer zero-particles move instantly, thus transferring long-range action.
Further we show existence of two separate areas in unhomogeneous space-time, where observable time flows into future and into past, while this duality is not found in homogeneous space-time. These areas are referred to as our world, where time flows into future and as the mirror Universe, where time flows in past. The areas are separated with a space-time membrane, referred to as zero-space, where observable time stops. Купить картины маслом

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